We have received dozens of emails about creative names given to owls by their new landlords. We are also aware of several dozen more nameless owls residing in Owl Shack owl houses. If you are a landlord with a nameless owl, please consider submitting a name so we can include it here. It’s easy and fun! Here is a list of some of the names we’ve received thus far:
- “Agatha” — James & Sheryl R’s owl (paired up with their other owl Prince Albert in a Box)
- “Al Travis” — David & Marie E’s red morph (named after their church’s organist; paired up with Mrs. Murray)
- “Albus Dumbledornithologist” — Melissa & Scott C’s owl (inspired by Harry Potter’s professors; paired up with Minerva M.)
- “Alice” — Bernadette N’s second owl (paired up with her other owl, Otus)
- “Allison” — Jack P’s owl (they often call her “Al,” short for Allison)
- “April” — Guiniviere W’s owl (named for the month the owl first appeared)
- “Archimedes” — Seth W’s owl (named after the owl in the Disney film “The Sword in the Stone”)
- “Baltimore” — Amy R’s owl (named by her 4-year old daughter before an upcoming trip to that city that they’ve been talking a lot about)
- “Barney” — Margaret F’s owl
- “Bert” — Ben H’s owl (named by his two grandsons, ages 5 & 7)
- “Bert” — Victoria C’s owl (paired up with her other owl, Yertle)
- “Billie Jean” — Wendi & Steve C’s owl
- “Blinky” — Julie & Cliff S’s owl (paired up with Kacooo and shared with neighbors Eric & Tina H; this bird was named for its behavior of constantly blinking its eyes when first showing itself in the owl house entrance each evening)
- “Bob” — Shelly & Bryan P’s owl (named for its behavior of bobbing up and down in the owl house)
- “Boo” — Pat M’s owl (short for ‘bujo’, one of the Spanish names for owl)
- “Booboo” — Bob & Cathie L’s owl (paired up with their other owl Spook)
- “Buddy” — Kerry B’s owl
- “Burt Hootin” — Pete C’s owl (named after Texas Longhorn All America pitcher, former major league pitcher, and current Houston Astros pitching coach Burt Hooton)
- “Charcoal” — Amy R’s owl
- “ChippOwl” — Suzanne N’s owl (named by her 4 year old grandson)
- “Chirpy” — Brush F’s owl (named for its voice)
- “Cinco” — Marni & Jeff F’s owl (named for the five years it took to get an owl)
- “Cliff” — Ellen D’s owl
- “Clifford” — Ron & Judy V’s owl
- “Colin P’owl” — Diane G’s owl
- “Cornowlius Braveheart” — Mattie S’s owl (paired up with Owlinor)
- “Cuckoo” — Celeste B’s owl (named by her next door neighbors’ child)
- “DJ Whotay” — Dan B’s owl
- “Duchess” — Mary Ellen B’s owl
- “Duke Owlington” — Robyn C’s owl (paired up with her other owl, Owla Fitzgerald)
- “Earl” — Susan S’s owl (named after an owl character in Harry Potter but spelled differently)
- “Elvis” — Margaret & Andy J’s owl (named because their owl first arrived on Elvis Presley’s birthday which is also one of their daughter’s birthdays)
- “Erwin” — Jim P’s owl
- “Ezekial (or ‘Zeke’)” — The Weizenbaum’s owl
- “Farley” — Barbara & John R’s owl (paired up with Mowat; named for the author Farley Mowat who wrote several books including Owls in the Family)
- “Foxmeadow Screecher” — Larry R’s owl (named after the development they live in called Foxmeadow Farms)
- “Foxy” — Jeff and Amanda S’s red morph owl (paired up with their other owl, Pudge, a gray morph)
- “Fozy” — Sarah G’s owl (named by her 7 year old child)
- “Frederick” — Kathleen K’s owl
- “Galen” — David P’s owl (named after the father of medicine and anatomy; paired up with Wilson)
- “Gizmo” — Louis M’s owl
- “Gonzo” — Carl & Ann F’s owl (named after his resemblance to the Muppets character)
- “Gravy Blue” — Deb’s owl
- “Gray” — Amy H’s owl
- “Gray” — Chris, Amy, and Ava’s owl
- “Harriet” — Betsy W’s owl (paired up with her other owl, Ozzie)
- “Hedwig” (of Texas) — Nancy & Jim G’s owl (named after an owl character in Harry Potter)
- “Hedwig” (of Wisconsin) — The Essak’s owl (named after an owl character in Harry Potter)
- “Hoodini” — Jessi & Jim T’s owl
- “Hoot” — Karen F’s owl
- “Hootee” — Ron B’s owl
- “Hootie” — John S’s owl
- “Hootie” — Kay R’s owl
- “Hootie” — Nanci K’s owl
- “Hooty” — Chris & Susie’s owl
- “Horton” — Brenda, Chris, & Taylor G’s owl (named after the Dr. Seuss book “Horton Hears a Who”)
- “Huey, Douie, and Louie” — Carl and Ann F’s nestling owls
- “Huldah” — Pauline & Ron T’s owl
- “Indie” — Joe C’s owl (paired up with his other owl, Red)
- “Izzy” — Teri H’s owl (named in honor of a recently deceased friend)
- “JB” — Yoshi & John B’s owl
- “Johnnie Owl” — Charlie B’s owl
- “Kacooo” — Eric & Tina H’s owl (paired up with Blinky and named by their 18-month old daughter; this pair is shared with next door neighbors Julie & Cliff S.)
- “Kil” — Sandy F’s owl (an owlet, along with its clutchmate “Roy,” were named by her husband because when these nestlings were first peering over the edge of the entrance it reminded him of the the WWII caricature “Kilroy was here”)
- “Kleebles” — Mary L’s owl
- “Little Lady” — Ron and Judy Fellner’s owl
- “Lovey” — Gaines B’s owl (named in honor of a character on Gilligan’s Island)
- “Lucius Vorenus” — Marian E’s owl
- “Lucky” — Valarie B’s owl (named for how she felt when her owl tenant first arrived)
- “Mahatma” — Chip H’s owl
- “Major Tom” — Chris H’s owl (named because the owl looks like he is ready to launch from his pad; remember the song “Space Oddity” by David Bowie)
- “Mama Owl” — Jim and Susan D’s owl (named by their 2.5 year old granddaughter)
- “Marsh” — Temple & Anita T’s owl (named for William Marsh Rice, the founder of Rice University in Houston where the mascot is an owl and they are prominent in campus architecture)
- “McOwl” — Fred and Traci M’s owl (the bird was first noticed on St. Patrick’s Day and the name was inspired by a co-worker, Mick, who gave them the owl house)
- “Mercedes” — Sharon & George H’s owl (this name was selected by the winner of a naming competition among friends; that winner really wanted a Mercedes automobile instead of an owl pellet!)
- “Merlin” — Mary L’s owl
- “Merry” — Heather M’s owl (named after discovering the owl in her Owl Shack on Christmas morning)
- “Minerva McGonagowl” — Melissa & Scott C’s owl (inspired by Harry Potter’s professors; paired up with Albus D.)
- “Mowat” — Barbara & John R’s owl (paired up with Farley; named for the author Farley Mowat who wrote several books including Owls in the Family)
- “Mr. B” — Harriet T’s owl (named after Mr. Bankwitz, high school teacher and head of the science club who leads owl-watching field trips)
- “Mrs. Murray” — David & Marie E’s gray morph (paired up with Al Travis)
- “Odus” — Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church’s owl
- “Olive Owl” — Jana C’s owl
- “Ollie” — Joan I’s owl
- “Ollie” — Linda T’s owl
- “Omega” — Linda G’s owl (named for the symbol of the Chi Omega Sorority)
- “Ophelia” — Jeff M’s first owl (paired up with his other owl, Shakespeare)
- “Oprah” — Ms. Forister’s owl
- “Oscar” — Lisa & Mike H’s owl
- “Oscar the Owl” — Dennis & Leah P’s owl
- “Otis” — Lisa & Karl S’s owl (named after the former genus of the bird’s scientific name but spelled differently)
- “Otis” — Rachel D’s owl
- “Othello” — Darcy & Steve B’s owl (named after the classic character)
- “Otto” — Mark B’s owl
- “Otus” — Bernadette N’s first owl (named after the former genus of the bird’s scientific name; paired up with her other owl, Alice)
- “Our Owl” — Dayna B’s owl
- “Owl” — Cheryl & Neal N’s owl
- “Owl Capone” — Carla J’s owl
- “Owl Jolson” — Steve L’s owl
- “Owla Fitzgerald” — Robyn C’s owl (paired up with her other owl, Duke Owlington)
- “Owlbama” — Jim B & Pat P’s owl (after 2 years of waiting, this owl finally showed itself on Election Day in Nov ’08)
- “Owlbama II” — Pat B’s owl
- “Owlbert Einstein” — Wade P’s owl
- “Owlberta” — David & Anne R’s owl
- “Owlbin” — Carolyn & Joe P’s owl
- “Owlexander” — Julie & Cliff S’s owl in the front yard owl house
- “Owlfonso” — Bill A’s second owl
- “Owlford” — Amanda D’s owl (a fitting twist on the name Alford)
- “Owlie” — Joan & Jerry M’s owl
- “Owlinor” — Mattie S’s owl (paired up with Cornowlius)
- “Owlistare” — Bob and Peta’s owl
- “Owlivia” — Dorsey B’s owl
- “Owlleta” — Shelly K’s owl (named after several women in her family named Leta)
- “Owlpacino” — Bruce, Christine, & Tyler A’s owl
- “Owlton” — Paul W’s owl
- “Owlvin, Owliver, Fat Owlbert, and Ron Owlivera” — Bill A’s nestling owls that are clutchmates (Ron Olivera is a favorite TV anchor for one of the local news stations in Austin, TX)
- “Owlvira” — Susan and David O’s owl
- “Owly” — Sally S’s owl
- “Ozwald” — Jan & Mike G’s owl
- “Ozzie” — Betsy W’s owl (paired up with her other owl, Harriet)
- “Ozzy” — Sharon M’s owl
- “Paola — Diana S. & Jim T’s second owl
- “Pearlie” — Laura L’s owl
- “Percy” — Diane G’s owl
- “Pigwidgeon — Marsha R’s owl (named after an owl character in Harry Potter)
- “Poof” — Peggy & RP’s second owl (named for its irregular activity of being here one day and, “poof”, often gone the next day)
- “Powell — Diana S. & Jim T’s first owl
- “Prince Albert in a Box” (aka “Al”) — James & Sheryl R’s owl (paired up with their other owl Agatha)
- “Pudge” — Jeff and Amanda S’s gray morph owl (paired up with their other owl, Foxy, a red morph)
- “Red” — Joe C’s owl (paired up with his other owl, Indie)
- “Red” — Peggy & RP W’s owl (named after the bird’s red color not often found in screech owls of the Hill Country)
- “Red Hot” — Deb & Joe C’s owl
- “Redpuff” — Robert E’s owl
- “Roamie” — Sandra C’s owl
- “Rowlph” — Mark & Laura G’s owl
- “Roy” — Sandy F’s owl (an owlet, along with its clutchmate “Kil,” were named by her husband because when these nestlings were first peering over the edge of the entrance it reminded him of the the WWII caricature “Kilroy was here”)
- “Ruby Rufous” — Gail & Steve L’s owl
- “Rudy” — Tabitha G’s owl (paired up with their other owl, Whootie)
- “Rutherford” — Barbara B’s owl
- “Sammy” — Bill A’s first owl (named after his alma mater’s mascot at Rice University)
- “Sarah” — Keith G’s owl
- “Screech” — Jim and Sandee S’s owl (part of the bird’s common name)
- “Screechie” — Ramon & Ava B’s owl
- “Shakespeare” — Jeff M’s second owl (paired up with his other owl, Ophelia)
- “Skippee” — Shannon D’s owl
- “Slam” — Janice B’s owl (named for an owl that recently slammed into their window and then flew away apparently unharmed)
- “Sonia” — Dan M’s owl
- “Sparkle Jewel” — Greg J’s owl (named by his 4-year old daughter)
- “Sparkles” — Cheryl F’s first owl (paired up with Winston Churchowl)
- “Spook” — Bob & Cathie L’s owl (named during the week of Halloween when this owl first appeared; paired up with their other owl Booboo)
- “Spooky” — John L’s owl
- “Spot” — Stephanie S’s & Judd O’s first owl (named for the bird’s prominent breast spot; paired up with their other owl, Victoria)
- “Templeton” — Carol K’s owl (named after the nearby Temple University Owls mascot).
- “TonieSoprano” — Bret W’s owl (one word; “Tonie” is a play on words (e.g., tone) and “Soprano” is for the high-pitched voice; spelled differently, of course, from the boss-man from a hit TV show)
- “Travis, Crockett, and Bowie” — Carl and Ann F’s 2nd clutch of nestling owls
- “Tutti and Frutti” — Tabitha G’s owlets (the owlets’ parents are Whootie and Rudy)
- “Victoria” — Stephanie S’s & Judd O’s second owl (paired up with their other owl, Spot)
- “Victoria Violet” — Fredda B’s owl
- “Vincent” — Debbi H’s owl (paired up with her other owl, White Stripe)
- “Wahoo” — Rebecca M’s owl
- “Weebles and Wobles” — Mary L’s nestling owls that weebled and wobled but never fell out of the Owl Shack
- “Whodini” — Ramona U’s owl
- “The Whooters” — The Janssen’s pair of screech owls.
- “Toby” — Steve D’s owl
- “White Stripe” — Debbi H’s owl (paired up with her other owl, Vincent)
- “Whoolio” — Rusty & Connie P’s owl
- “Whootie” — Tabitha G’s owl
- “Willie” — Linda D’s owl (named for William Marsh Rice, founder of her husband’s alma mater)
- “Wilson” — David P’s owl (named after the father of American ornithology; paired up with his other owl, Galen)
- “Winky” — Larry T’s owl (his daughter, visiting from another state, claimed that this owl winked at her)
- “Winnie” — Jeri P’s owl
- “Winston Churchowl” — Cheryl F’s second owl (paired up with Sparkles)
- “Wobbles” — Mary L’s owl
- “Woodsy” — Nancy & Jim’s owl (paired up with Hedwig)
- “Yertle” — Victoria C’s owl (named after the Dr. Seuss character; paired up with her other owl, Bert)
- “Zeus” — Doug G’s owl