While visiting the beach, you’ve seen flocks of birds, namely shorebirds, resting or foraging on the sand, in tidal pools, or out in the shallow surf. It may seem like fun to run through these flocks in order to get them to fly, but you’ll do them a favor if you keep your distance. At certain times of the year, shorebirds are exhausted and need to rest and refuel during their long migration between their arctic breeding grounds in far northern Canada and their wintering grounds that, in some species, occurs along the coasts of South America. Even worse is allowing your unleashed dog to run freely on the beach, chasing these exhausted and hungry shorebirds and causing unnecessary stress. The same is true for birds that nest along our coast in the sand and are sensitive to beachgoers, vehicles, and unleashed dogs. Many eggs and chicks are crushed each year by vehicle tires and the feet of dogs and people. For info on shorebird conservation, see
Next time you visit the beach, appreciate those shorebird flocks from a distance and skirt around them so they’re not having to burn precious calories to get away or leaving their eggs unattended in the scorching hot sun. Respect the needs of our feathered neighbors on the beach. Do it for the owls!Order your Owl Shack HERE