It’s important to have certain contact numbers easily accessible for you and your family. Keeping emergency contact numbers stored in your cell phone and in a central location, such as attached to your refrigerator, is always a good idea. These would be phone numbers for your local sheriff’s office and your doctors, but what about your nearest licensed rehabilitator? These are the experts you need when you find an injured bird or other wildlife – they’re trained and licensed with both state and federal permits. Be careful, however, when determining that the fledgling Blue Jay or deer fawn is orphaned when, in fact, their parents might be cautiously watching nearby. Instead, let the parents finish raising their own young. Keep in mind that rehabbers are not government employees so don’t call your local state or federal wildlife official nor are these rehabbers funded by the government so be sure to include a financial donation when you submit an injured animal or when you feel the need to help them out. To find your nearest rehabber, search for “wildlife rehabilitators in the State of X” and you should be steered to your state’s wildlife agency web site listing licensed rehabbers who might be able to assist. Here, for example, is the list for Texas arranged by county.
Keep in mind that there are large chunks of the country without any local rehabbers so a long drive might be in order, but don’t expect busy rehabbers to come all the way to you since they’re already tending to other injured wildlife back home. Contact them and work something out, but do it quickly as injured wildlife might not have long to live. This is precisely why it’s good to find your nearest rehabber NOW so that when you need them, they’ll only be a click away. Do it for the owls.
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