Owl Shack - scops owl Christmas

Homeowners inquire what they can do about those messy barn swallow nests on their patio and the poop piles the birds leave behind. Those poop piles show that those birds are working for you – they’re eating pesky insects on-the-wing. Without swallows, flycatchers, and other insectivorous birds, we’d be overrun with insects.

In the same way, no one likes the idea of rats and mice taking over their home or property. Did you know that an individual barn owl reportedly eats over 1,000 rats and mice per year, making them one of our most effective agricultural pest control agents and a good neighbor to have? But often, our response is to put out poison if we’re having a rodent problem. Poison bait ingested by a rodent that is later eaten by an owl can often lead to the bird’s demise. Instead, consider removal of nuisance rodents by good ol’ trapping. Read more here on what owls eat.

Respect the role that raptors have in our environment. Without them, we’d be overrun with pesky insects and rodents. Allow birds to fulfill their role in nature. If they are nesting, they will only be there for a short period of time – a little patience can go a long way. Consider that these birds are working for you and they’re working for free. A lot of respect for nature plus an understanding of biological pest control can go a long way. Do it for the owls.

Order your Owl Shack HERE